Lewis County Receives $1.6 Million in Fish Barrier Removal Grants, August 8, 2019
The latest round of state grants for the removal of fish passage barriers includes more than $1.6 million for projects in Lewis County, with nearly $870,000 of that designated for projects on Scammon Creek.
The funding was announced by the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board for grants awarded between 2019 and 2021. Some grants were designated for the design of projects, others for actual construction and some for both.
On Scammon Creek, the funding will allow for the replacement of two culverts on Graf Road, at a cost of more than $560,000 — which will open up nearly 11 miles of habitat. Another nearby project will fund the redesign of another fish-blocking culvert on the creek. And a third project near the creek’s confluence with the Chehalis River will replace a culvert blocking 4 miles of habitat.
Read more about fish barrier removal grants, and how Lewis Conservation district is a partner in several of these projects by following the link below.
Source: The Daily Chronicle | Lewis County Receives $1.6 Million in Fish Barrier Removal Grants